the truth about bleaching

At Bumboo, we believe that informed customers make the best choices for themselves and the environment. With so much information—and sometimes misinformation—circulating about eco-friendly products, it’s important that you have all the facts at your fingertips. We want to take this opportunity to provide you with a clear, factual understanding of how our products are made and why we believe they are a responsible choice for both you and the planet.

what about bleaching, ECF and TCF claims?

When it comes to eco-friendly paper products, terms like ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) and TCF (Totally Chlorine Free) can sometimes be confusing. These terms are relevant only to products that have undergone a whitening process, as they refer to different methods of bleaching.

ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free):

This process uses chlorine dioxide instead of harmful elemental chlorine, making it a much safer option for both the environment and your health. Importantly, ECF does not use molecular chlorine, which is the harmful substance traditionally associated with paper bleaching.

TCF (Totally Chlorine Free):

This process involves no chlorine compounds at all. While TCF is a great option for reducing chemical use, it’s important to note that not all products require this level of processing.

For our whitened products—such as whitened toilet paper and whitened kitchen rolls—we have chosen the ECF method. This method strikes a balance between delivering the white products that some customers prefer while ensuring that the process is as safe and environmentally friendly as possible.

setting the record straight on bleaching processes

You may have come across some idea that some products are superior because they don’t use any bleaching processes, including ECF. These statements can be misleading. While it’s true that unbleached products have their advantages, not all bleaching processes are harmful. ECF, in particular, is a well-established, environmentally responsible choice that avoids the use of harmful elemental chlorine.

The key point to understand is that not all bleaching processes are created equal. By choosing ECF, we ensure that our whitened products are both safe for you and less impactful on the environment.

why we offer unwhitened products

At Bumboo, we also offer a range of unwhitened products, including unwhitened toilet paper, unwhitened kitchen rolls, and unwhitened facial tissues. These products do not go through any bleaching process at all, which means no chlorine—elemental or otherwise—is used in their production. For those who prefer a completely natural product, these are an excellent choice.

We understand that different customers have different needs and preferences. That’s why we offer both whitened and unwhitened options, always with the goal of minimising environmental impact and ensuring your safety.

making the right choice for you

If you prefer the look and feel of whitened paper, you can rest assured that our ECF-processed products are a safe and environmentally conscious choice.

If you prefer to avoid any kind of bleaching altogether, our unwhitened products provide a truly natural option. By giving you all the facts, we empower you to make the choice that’s right for you.

At Bumboo, transparency is key—we’re committed to providing you with the information you need to make decisions that align with your values and preferences.

We understand that different customers have different needs and preferences. That’s why we offer both whitened and unwhitened options, always with the goal of minimising environmental impact and ensuring your safety.

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